Cl::sycl::compile_program_error exception thrown when running simple-vector-add sample

Thanks Duncan,

I tried to print the e.what() of the throw, which got me to

Error: [ComputeCpp:RT0100] Failed to build program (<Build log for program 0x158c830 (size: 65) error : Binary format for key=‘0’, ident=‘’ is not recognized

Which then got me to < Working example on Windows 10 + Nvidia > and then I greped from the README the important info which I missed before

Lastly, the SDK will build targeting spir64 IR by default. This will
work on most devices, but won’t work on NVIDIA (for example). To that
end, you can specify -DCOMPUTECPP_BITCODE=target, which can be any of
spir[64], spirv[64] or ptx64.

Having removed the DCOMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS and added the -DCOMPUTECPP_BITCODE=ptx64 I now get compiles warnings in many tests Intrinsic foo has been generated in function bar which is illegal in SPIR, but this looks expected for nvidia as far as I can tell.

I now get

[phsmai@camperona build_computecpp]$ ./samples/reduction
SYCL Sample code:
Reduction of an STL vector
Device Name: Quadro P1000
Platform Name NVIDIA CUDA
SYCL Reduction result: 634
STL Reduction result: 634
