Hello everyone,
I’m currently attempting to call a shared library compiled with icpx from Python using the ctypes package’s CDLL FFI. I will try and give as much context to my specific problem as possible, but if you would like anything else please let me know.
The system I am using is configured as follows:
- OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7 (Ootpa)
- CPU: Intel Xeon Gold 6226
- GPU: NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB
- GPU Driver: 535.54.03
- OneAPI Version: 2024.0
- OneMKL Version: 0.4
- Built for CUDA
- Python Version: 3.9.6
Note: I have also tried this on an A100-PCIE-80GB, however I am unable to access them at the moment so I can’t get further information about them. But, the error raised mirrors the one I will show here.
As a minimum working example, I have the following code for compilation to a standalone executable:
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include "oneapi/mkl/blas.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sycl;
namespace mkl = oneapi::mkl;
extern "C" void sdp_cublas_backend(float* qq, int Q, float* kk, int K, int Embedded_D, float* out, float* vv, float* out_fin) {
queue q(gpu_selector_v);
std::cout << "The device is: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << "\n";
auto qQ = buffer(qq, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
auto kK = buffer(kk, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oO = buffer(out, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * K) });
auto vV = buffer(vv, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oF = buffer(out_fin, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
int64_t m = Q;
int64_t n = K;
int64_t k = Embedded_D;
int64_t ldq = k;
int64_t ldk = k;
int64_t ldt = m;
float alpha = 1.0;
float beta = 0.0;
mkl::blas::column_major::gemm( // The following expression outlines the matrix operation being performed: alpha * A * B + beta * C
oneapi::mkl::backend_selector<oneapi::mkl::backend::cublas>{ q }, // queue
mkl::transpose::trans, // transa
mkl::transpose::nontrans, // transb
m, // m
n, // n
k, // k
alpha, // alpha
qQ, // A (dimensions: k * m) -> transposed
ldq, // lda
kK, // B (dimensions: k * n) -> non-transposed
ldk, // ldb
beta, // beta
oO, // C (dimensions: m * n)
ldt // ldc
std::vector<double> sum_exp(Q, 0.0);
buffer bsum_exp(sum_exp);
try { q.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
accessor t_acc(oO, cgh, read_only);
accessor bsum_exp_acc(bsum_exp, cgh, read_write, no_init);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::range<1>{static_cast<size_t>(Q)}, [=](sycl::id<1> index) {
double temp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
temp += sycl::exp(t_acc[index[0] + (Q * i)]);
bsum_exp_acc[index[0]] += temp;
} catch (sycl::exception & e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
int main(void) {
int Q = 2;
int K = 4;
int ED = 3;
float* q_a = new float[Q * ED];
float* k_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_a = new float[Q * K];
float* v_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_f = new float[Q * ED];
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * ED); i++) {
q_a[i] = i + 1;
out_f[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (K * ED); i++) {
k_a[i] = i + 1;
v_a[i] = i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * K); i++) {
out_a[i] = 0;
sdp_cublas_backend(q_a, Q, k_a, K, ED, out_a, v_a, out_f);
std::cout << "The function ran successfully." << std::endl;
return 0;
I compile this with the following and am able to run everything with no issues:
- icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -Xsycl-target-backend=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_70 -I/scratch/users/nkt8/libs/include standalone_test.cpp -o sa_test -L/scratch/users/nkt8/libs/lib -lonemkl -lonemkl_blas_cublas
The Python script used to run the code discussed below is as follows:
from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_float, c_int
lib = CDLL("~/mylib.so")["testing_func"]
cust = POINTER(c_float)
lib.restype = None
lib.argtypes = None
print("The FFI finished.")
However, as soon as I attempt to convert this to a shared library and run this through my Python script, I get the following error:
- Native API failed. Native API returns: -46 (PI_ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME)
After searching this error, I found the following page:
The actual code that creates this error is as follows:
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include "oneapi/mkl/blas.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sycl;
namespace mkl = oneapi::mkl;
extern "C" void sdp_cublas_backend(float* qq, int Q, float* kk, int K, int Embedded_D, float* out, float* vv, float* out_fin) {
queue q(gpu_selector_v);
std::cout << "The device is: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << "\n";
auto qQ = buffer(qq, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
auto kK = buffer(kk, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oO = buffer(out, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * K) });
auto vV = buffer(vv, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oF = buffer(out_fin, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
int64_t m = Q;
int64_t n = K;
int64_t k = Embedded_D;
int64_t ldq = k;
int64_t ldk = k;
int64_t ldt = m;
float alpha = 1.0;
float beta = 0.0;
oneapi::mkl::backend_selector<oneapi::mkl::backend::cublas>{ q }, // queue
mkl::transpose::trans, // transa
mkl::transpose::nontrans, // transb
m, // m
n, // n
k, // k
alpha, // alpha
qQ, // A (dimensions: k * m) -> transposed
ldq, // lda
kK, // B (dimensions: k * n) -> non-transposed
ldk, // ldb
beta, // beta
oO, // C (dimensions: m * n)
ldt // ldc
std::vector<double> sum_exp(Q, 0.0);
buffer bsum_exp(sum_exp);
try { q.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
accessor t_acc(oO, cgh, read_only);
accessor bsum_exp_acc(bsum_exp, cgh, read_write, no_init);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::range<1>{static_cast<size_t>(Q)}, [=](sycl::id<1> index) {
double temp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
temp += sycl::exp(t_acc[index[0] + (Q * i)]);
bsum_exp_acc[index[0]] += temp;
std::cout << "We make it here." << std::endl;
std::cout << "We don't make it here." << std::endl;
} catch (sycl::exception & e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
extern "C" void testing_func(void) {
int Q = 2;
int K = 4;
int ED = 3;
float* q_a = new float[Q * ED];
float* k_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_a = new float[Q * K];
float* v_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_f = new float[Q * ED];
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * ED); i++) {
q_a[i] = i + 1;
out_f[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (K * ED); i++) {
k_a[i] = i + 1;
v_a[i] = i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * K); i++) {
out_a[i] = 0;
sdp_cublas_backend(q_a, Q, k_a, K, ED, out_a, v_a, out_f);
std::cout << "The function completed 'successfully.'" << std::endl;
Within the try/catch section, I have added in some statements to print text so that we can know where it stops running. We output “We make it here.” within the queue submission statement, however we never actually manage to output “We don’t make it here.” after it completes. So, I’m guessing that the queue never actually is able to terminate in the correct manner in the submission block. This was compiled and linked in the following manner:
- icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -Xsycl-target-backend=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_70 -fPIC -I/scratch/users/nkt8/libs/include par_for_ffi.cpp -c
- icpx -shared -o mylib.so par_for_ffi.o -L/scratch/users/nkt8/libs/lib -lonemkl -lonemkl_blas_cublas
I also created a version without the parallel_for that appears to run without any errors:
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include "oneapi/mkl/blas.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sycl;
namespace mkl = oneapi::mkl;
extern "C" void sdp_cublas_backend(float* qq, int Q, float* kk, int K, int Embedded_D, float* out, float* vv, float* out_fin) {
queue q(gpu_selector_v);
std::cout << "The device is: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << "\n";
auto qQ = buffer(qq, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
auto kK = buffer(kk, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oO = buffer(out, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * K) });
auto vV = buffer(vv, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(K * Embedded_D) });
auto oF = buffer(out_fin, range<1> { static_cast<size_t>(Q * Embedded_D) });
int64_t m = Q;
int64_t n = K;
int64_t k = Embedded_D;
int64_t ldq = k;
int64_t ldk = k;
int64_t ldt = m;
float alpha = 1.0;
float beta = 0.0;
oneapi::mkl::backend_selector<oneapi::mkl::backend::cublas>{ q }, // queue
mkl::transpose::trans, // transa
mkl::transpose::nontrans, // transb
m, // m
n, // n
k, // k
alpha, // alpha
qQ, // A (dimensions: k * m) -> transposed
ldq, // lda
kK, // B (dimensions: k * n) -> non-transposed
ldk, // ldb
beta, // beta
oO, // C (dimensions: m * n)
ldt // ldc
extern "C" void testing_func(void) {
int Q = 2;
int K = 4;
int ED = 3;
float* q_a = new float[Q * ED];
float* k_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_a = new float[Q * K];
float* v_a = new float[K * ED];
float* out_f = new float[Q * ED];
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * ED); i++) {
q_a[i] = i + 1;
out_f[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (K * ED); i++) {
k_a[i] = i + 1;
v_a[i] = i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (Q * K); i++) {
out_a[i] = 0;
sdp_cublas_backend(q_a, Q, k_a, K, ED, out_a, v_a, out_f);
std::cout << "The function finished successfully." << std::endl;
This was compiled in the same manner as above and appears to have worked.
I’m not sure if I’m incorrectly creating the shared library or if I have gone wrong somewhere else. Does anyone else notice anything incorrect/questionable? Any feedback is welcome and I can always try to supply more information if any is needed.
Thank you!