Thanks for your report. Can you tell us what steps you are following to compile, and what code you are trying to compile.
Do the instructions in the Getting Started guide work for you when building the samples?
The output of the computecpp_info is correct, because show me my devices.
I trying compile the babelstream benchmark for model sycl.
I used this command im cmake:cmake -Bbuild -H. -DMODEL=sycl -DSYCL_COMPILER=COMPUTECPP -DSYCL_COMPILER_DIR=/opt/ComputeCPP/ -DOpenCL_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
But, when i trying do make, the process stop and return this error: /opt/ComputeCPP/include/CL/sycl.hpp:1:10:fatal error:‘…/SYCL/sycl.hpp’ file not found
For me make, sense because the folder names sycl. The version of the computecpp is 2.8.0.
Hi Rui,
This looks like a configuration problem.
Can you please quickly ruun through the Getting Started guide just to check that you can build the samples correctly without this error?
If this works ok then it looks like a build configuration issue.