Hi! How are you?
I want to ask about a “problem” that I’m having with the CUDA matrix multiplication code: cuda-samples/matrixMul.cu at master · NVIDIA/cuda-samples · GitHub
I executed the following CUDA and SYCL codes for matrix multiplication on the RTX2070, RTX3070, and RTX3090, but CUDA is 24% to 40% (on the rtx3090) faster than SYCL for a dimension of 16384. I believe the difference lies in shared memory, but I’m unsure how to improve it.
I’m using Intel LLVM with clang 17 and CUDA 11.7.
for compiling CUDA: nvcc program.cu -O3 -o program
for compiling SYCL: clang++ -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda program.cpp-O3 -o program
./program 16384 16384 16384 16384
Do you have some suggestions? Thank you very much!
* Matrix multiplication: C = A * B.
* Host code.
* This sample implements matrix multiplication which makes use of shared memory
* to ensure data reuse, the matrix multiplication is done using tiling
* approach. It has been written for clarity of exposition to illustrate various
* CUDA programming principles, not with the goal of providing the most
* performant generic kernel for matrix multiplication. See also: V. Volkov and
* J. Demmel, "Benchmarking GPUs to tune dense linear algebra," in Proc. 2008
* ACM/IEEE Conf. on Supercomputing (SC '08), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2008,
* pp. Art. 31:1-11.
// System includes
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// CUDA runtime
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
double dwalltime() {
double sec;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
sec = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
return sec;
* Matrix multiplication (CUDA Kernel) on the device: C = A * B
* wA is A's width and wB is B's width
template <int BLOCK_SIZE>
__global__ void MatrixMulCUDA(float *C, float *A, float *B, int wA, int wB) {
// Block index
int bx = blockIdx.x;
int by = blockIdx.y;
// Thread index
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;
// Index of the first sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aBegin = wA * BLOCK_SIZE * by;
// Index of the last sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aEnd = aBegin + wA - 1;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of A
int aStep = BLOCK_SIZE;
// Index of the first sub-matrix of B processed by the block
int bBegin = BLOCK_SIZE * bx;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of B
int bStep = BLOCK_SIZE * wB;
// Csub is used to store the element of the block sub-matrix
// that is computed by the thread
float Csub = 0;
// Loop over all the sub-matrices of A and B
// required to compute the block sub-matrix
for (int a = aBegin, b = bBegin; a <= aEnd; a += aStep, b += bStep) {
// Declaration of the shared memory array As used to
// store the sub-matrix of A
__shared__ float As[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
// Declaration of the shared memory array Bs used to
// store the sub-matrix of B
__shared__ float Bs[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
// Load the matrices from device memory
// to shared memory; each thread loads
// one element of each matrix
As[ty][tx] = A[a + wA * ty + tx];
Bs[ty][tx] = B[b + wB * ty + tx];
// Synchronize to make sure the matrices are loaded
// Multiply the two matrices together;
// each thread computes one element
// of the block sub-matrix
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE; ++k) {
Csub += As[ty][k] * Bs[k][tx];
// Synchronize to make sure that the preceding
// computation is done before loading two new
// sub-matrices of A and B in the next iteration
// Write the block sub-matrix to device memory;
// each thread writes one element
int c = wB * BLOCK_SIZE * by + BLOCK_SIZE * bx;
C[c + wB * ty + tx] = Csub;
void ConstantInit(float *data, int size, float val) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
data[i] = val;
* Run a simple test of matrix multiplication using CUDA
int MatrixMultiply(int argc, char **argv, int block_size, const dim3 &dimsA,
const dim3 &dimsB) {
// Allocate host memory for matrices A and B
unsigned int size_A = dimsA.x * dimsA.y;
unsigned int mem_size_A = sizeof(float) * size_A;
float *h_A;
cudaMallocHost(&h_A, mem_size_A);
unsigned int size_B = dimsB.x * dimsB.y;
unsigned int mem_size_B = sizeof(float) * size_B;
float *h_B;
cudaMallocHost(&h_B, mem_size_B);
cudaStream_t stream;
// Initialize host memory
const float valB = 0.01f;
ConstantInit(h_A, size_A, 1.0f);
ConstantInit(h_B, size_B, valB);
// Allocate device memory
float *d_A, *d_B, *d_C;
// Allocate host matrix C
dim3 dimsC(dimsB.x, dimsA.y, 1);
unsigned int mem_size_C = dimsC.x * dimsC.y * sizeof(float);
float *h_C;
cudaMallocHost(&h_C, mem_size_C);
if (h_C == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate host matrix C!\n");
cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&d_A), mem_size_A);
cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&d_B), mem_size_B);
cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&d_C), mem_size_C);
cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
// copy host memory to device
cudaMemcpyAsync(d_A, h_A, mem_size_A, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);
cudaMemcpyAsync(d_B, h_B, mem_size_B, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);
// Setup execution parameters
dim3 threads(block_size, block_size);
dim3 grid(dimsB.x / threads.x, dimsA.y / threads.y);
double start = dwalltime();
// Performs warmup operation using matrixMul CUDA kernel
if (block_size == 16) {
<<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x);
} else {
<<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x);
double stop = dwalltime();
// printf("done %lf\n", stop - start);
// Record the start event
start = dwalltime();
// Execute the kernel
int nIter = 10;
for (int j = 0; j < nIter; j++) {
if (block_size == 16) {
<<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x);
} else {
<<<grid, threads, 0, stream>>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA.x, dimsB.x);
// cudaMemcpyAsync(h_C, d_C, mem_size_C, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);
// cudaStreamSynchronize(stream);
stop = dwalltime();
float msecTotal = (stop - start) * 1000;
// Compute and print the performance
float msecPerMatrixMul = msecTotal / nIter;
double flopsPerMatrixMul = 2.0 * static_cast<double>(dimsA.x) *
static_cast<double>(dimsA.y) *
double gigaFlops =
(flopsPerMatrixMul * 1.0e-9f) / (msecPerMatrixMul / 1000.0f);
std::string filename = "data_cuda.csv";
std::ifstream file_check(filename);
bool file_exists = file_check.good();
// Create and open the file for writing, with or without headers
std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::app);
if (!file_exists) {
file << "N, time (S), GFLOPS, msecPerMatrixMu (S)l\n";
file << dimsA.x << ", " << msecTotal / 1000 << ", " << gigaFlops << ", "
<< msecPerMatrixMul << "\n";
// bool correct = true;
// test relative error by the formula
// |<x, y>_cpu - <x,y>_gpu|/<|x|, |y|> < eps
/* double eps = 1.e-6; // machine zero
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dimsC.x * dimsC.y); i++) {
double abs_err = fabs(h_C[i] - (dimsA.x * valB));
double dot_length = dimsA.x;
double abs_val = fabs(h_C[i]);
double rel_err = abs_err / abs_val / dot_length;
if (rel_err > eps) {
printf("Error! Matrix[%05d]=%.8f, ref=%.8f error term is > %E\n", i,
h_C[i], dimsA.x * valB, eps);
correct = false;
printf("%s\n", correct ? "Result = PASS" : "Result = FAIL");*/
// Clean up memory
* Program main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int device_id = 0;
cudaDeviceProp device_prop;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&device_prop, device_id);
std::cout << "Device Name: " << device_prop.name << std::endl;
int block_size = 16;
dim3 dimsA(5 * 2 * block_size, 5 * 2 * block_size, 1);
dim3 dimsB(5 * 4 * block_size, 5 * 2 * block_size, 1);
// width of Matrix A from argc / argv directetly
dimsA.x = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : dimsA.x;
dimsA.y = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : dimsA.y;
dimsB.x = argc > 3 ? atoi(argv[3]) : dimsB.x;
dimsB.y = argc > 4 ? atoi(argv[4]) : dimsB.y;
if (dimsA.x != dimsB.y) {
printf("Error: outer matrix dimensions must be equal. (%d != %d)\n",
dimsA.x, dimsB.y);
printf("MatrixA(%d,%d), MatrixB(%d,%d)\n", dimsA.x, dimsA.y, dimsB.x,
int matrix_result = MatrixMultiply(argc, argv, block_size, dimsA, dimsB);
* Matrix multiplication: C = A * B.
* Host code.
* This sample implements matrix multiplication which makes use of shared memory
* to ensure data reuse, the matrix multiplication is done using tiling
* approach. It has been written for clarity of exposition to illustrate various
* CUDA programming principles, not with the goal of providing the most
* performant generic kernel for matrix multiplication. See also: V. Volkov and
* J. Demmel, "Benchmarking GPUs to tune dense linear algebra," in Proc. 2008
* ACM/IEEE Conf. on Supercomputing (SC '08), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2008,
* pp. Art. 31:1-11.
// System includes
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
// CUDA runtime
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/time.h>
double dwalltime() {
double sec;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
sec = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
return sec;
* Matrix multiplication (CUDA Kernel) on the device: C = A * B
* wA is A's width and wB is B's width
template <int BLOCK_SIZE>
void MatrixMulCUDA(float *C, float *A, float *B, int wA, int wB,
sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1,
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
Bs) {
// Block index
int bx = item_ct1.get_group(2);
int by = item_ct1.get_group(1);
// Thread index
int tx = item_ct1.get_local_id(2);
int ty = item_ct1.get_local_id(1);
// Index of the first sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aBegin = wA * BLOCK_SIZE * by;
// Index of the last sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aEnd = aBegin + wA - 1;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of A
int aStep = BLOCK_SIZE;
// Index of the first sub-matrix of B processed by the block
int bBegin = BLOCK_SIZE * bx;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of B
int bStep = BLOCK_SIZE * wB;
// Csub is used to store the element of the block sub-matrix
// that is computed by the thread
float Csub = 0;
// Loop over all the sub-matrices of A and B
// required to compute the block sub-matrix
for (int a = aBegin, b = bBegin; a <= aEnd; a += aStep, b += bStep) {
// Declaration of the shared memory array As used to
// store the sub-matrix of A
// Declaration of the shared memory array Bs used to
// store the sub-matrix of B
// Load the matrices from device memory
// to shared memory; each thread loads
// one element of each matrix
As[ty][tx] = A[a + wA * ty + tx];
Bs[ty][tx] = B[b + wB * ty + tx];
// Synchronize to make sure the matrices are loaded
// Multiply the two matrices together;
// each thread computes one element
// of the block sub-matrix
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE; ++k) {
Csub += As[ty][k] * Bs[k][tx];
// Synchronize to make sure that the preceding
// computation is done before loading two new
// sub-matrices of A and B in the next iteration
// Write the block sub-matrix to device memory;
// each thread writes one element
int c = wB * BLOCK_SIZE * by + BLOCK_SIZE * bx;
C[c + wB * ty + tx] = Csub;
void ConstantInit(float *data, int size, float val) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
data[i] = val;
* Run a simple test of matrix multiplication using CUDA
int MatrixMultiply(int argc, char **argv, int block_size,
const sycl::range<3> &dimsA, const sycl::range<3> &dimsB) {
sycl::device dev_ct1 = sycl::device::get_devices()[0];
sycl::queue q_ct1(dev_ct1);
// Allocate host memory for matrices A and B
unsigned int size_A = dimsA[2] * dimsA[1];
unsigned int mem_size_A = sizeof(float) * size_A;
float *h_A;
h_A = (float *)sycl::malloc_host(mem_size_A, q_ct1);
unsigned int size_B = dimsB[2] * dimsB[1];
unsigned int mem_size_B = sizeof(float) * size_B;
float *h_B;
h_B = (float *)sycl::malloc_host(mem_size_B, q_ct1);
// Initialize host memory
const float valB = 0.01f;
ConstantInit(h_A, size_A, 1.0f);
ConstantInit(h_B, size_B, valB);
// Allocate device memory
float *d_A, *d_B, *d_C;
// Allocate host matrix C
sycl::range<3> dimsC(1, dimsA[1], dimsB[2]);
unsigned int mem_size_C = dimsC[2] * dimsC[1] * sizeof(float);
float *h_C;
h_C = (float *)sycl::malloc_host(mem_size_C, q_ct1);
if (h_C == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate host matrix C!\n");
d_A = (float *)sycl::malloc_device(mem_size_A, q_ct1);
d_B = (float *)sycl::malloc_device(mem_size_B, q_ct1);
d_C = (float *)sycl::malloc_device(mem_size_C, q_ct1);
// copy host memory to device
q_ct1.memcpy(d_A, h_A, mem_size_A).wait();
q_ct1.memcpy(d_B, h_B, mem_size_B).wait();
// Setup execution parameters
sycl::range<3> threads(1, block_size, block_size);
sycl::range<3> grid(1, dimsA[1] / threads[1], dimsB[2] / threads[2]);
// Create and start timer
// printf("Computing result using CUDA Kernel...\n");
double start = dwalltime();
// Performs warmup operation using matrixMul CUDA kernel
if (block_size == 16) {
DPCT1049:2: The work-group size passed to the SYCL kernel may exceed the
limit. To get the device limit, query info::device::max_work_group_size.
Adjust the work-group size if needed.
q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
As_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(16, 16), cgh);
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
Bs_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(16, 16), cgh);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
[=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
MatrixMulCUDA<16>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA[2], dimsB[2],
item_ct1, As_acc_ct1, Bs_acc_ct1);
} else {
DPCT1049:3: The work-group size passed to the SYCL kernel may exceed the
limit. To get the device limit, query info::device::max_work_group_size.
Adjust the work-group size if needed.
q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
As_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(32, 32), cgh);
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
Bs_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(32, 32), cgh);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
[=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
MatrixMulCUDA<32>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA[2], dimsB[2],
item_ct1, As_acc_ct1, Bs_acc_ct1);
double stop = dwalltime();
// printf("done %lf\n", stop - start);
// Record the start event
start = dwalltime();
// Execute the kernel
int nIter = 10;
for (int j = 0; j < nIter; j++) {
if (block_size == 16) {
DPCT1049:4: The work-group size passed to the SYCL kernel may exceed the
limit. To get the device limit, query info::device::max_work_group_size.
Adjust the work-group size if needed.
q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
As_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(16, 16), cgh);
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
Bs_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(16, 16), cgh);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
[=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
MatrixMulCUDA<16>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA[2], dimsB[2],
item_ct1, As_acc_ct1, Bs_acc_ct1);
} else {
DPCT1049:5: The work-group size passed to the SYCL kernel may exceed the
limit. To get the device limit, query info::device::max_work_group_size.
Adjust the work-group size if needed.
q_ct1.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
As_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(32, 32), cgh);
sycl::accessor<float, 2, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
Bs_acc_ct1(sycl::range<2>(32, 32), cgh);
cgh.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(grid * threads, threads),
[=](sycl::nd_item<3> item_ct1) {
MatrixMulCUDA<32>(d_C, d_A, d_B, dimsA[2], dimsB[2],
item_ct1, As_acc_ct1, Bs_acc_ct1);
stop = dwalltime();
float msecTotal = (stop - start) * 1000;
// Compute and print the performance
float msecPerMatrixMul = msecTotal / nIter;
double flopsPerMatrixMul = 2.0 * static_cast<double>(dimsA[1]) *
static_cast<double>(dimsA[1]) *
double gigaFlops =
(flopsPerMatrixMul * 1.0e-9f) / (msecPerMatrixMul / 1000.0f);
std::string filename = "data_sycl.csv";
std::ifstream file_check(filename);
bool file_exists = file_check.good();
// Create and open the file for writing, with or without headers
std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::app);
if (!file_exists) {
file << "N, time (S), GFLOPS, msecPerMatrixMu (S)l\n";
file << dimsA[1] << ", " << msecTotal / 1000 << ", " << gigaFlops << ", "
<< msecPerMatrixMul << "\n";
// // Copy result from device to host
// q_ct1.memcpy(h_C, d_C, mem_size_C).wait();
// q_ct1.wait_and_throw();
// // printf("Checking computed result for correctness: ");
// bool correct = true;
// // test relative error by the formula
// // |<x, y>_cpu - <x,y>_gpu|/<|x|, |y|> < eps
// double eps = 1.e-6; // machine zero
// for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dimsC[2] * dimsC[1]); i++) {
// double abs_err = fabs(h_C[i] - (dimsA[2] * valB));
// double dot_length = dimsA[2];
// double abs_val = fabs(h_C[i]);
// double rel_err = abs_err / abs_val / dot_length;
// if (rel_err > eps) {
// printf("Error! Matrix[%05d]=%.8f, ref=%.8f error term is > %E\n", i,
// h_C[i], dimsA[2] * valB, eps);
// correct = false;
// }
// }
// printf("%s\n", correct ? "Result = PASS" : "Result = FAIL");
// Clean up memory
sycl::free(h_A, q_ct1);
sycl::free(h_B, q_ct1);
sycl::free(h_C, q_ct1);
sycl::free(d_A, q_ct1);
sycl::free(d_B, q_ct1);
sycl::free(d_C, q_ct1);
// printf("\nNOTE: The CUDA Samples are not meant for performance "
// "measurements. Results may vary when GPU Boost is enabled.\n");
// if (correct) {
// } else {
// return EXIT_FAILURE;
// }
* Program main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// printf("[Matrix Multiply Using CUDA] - Starting...\n");
sycl::queue q{sycl::default_selector{}};
// Obtener el nombre del dispositivo
std::string device_name = q.get_device().get_info<sycl::info::device::name>();
std::cout << "Device Name: " << device_name << std::endl;
int block_size = 16;
sycl::range<3> dimsA(1, 5 * 2 * block_size, 5 * 2 * block_size);
sycl::range<3> dimsB(1, 5 * 2 * block_size, 5 * 4 * block_size);
// width of Matrix A from argc / argv directetly
dimsA[2] = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : dimsA[2];
dimsA[1] = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : dimsA[1];
dimsB[2] = argc > 3 ? atoi(argv[3]) : dimsB[2];
dimsB[1] = argc > 4 ? atoi(argv[4]) : dimsB[1];
if (dimsA[2] != dimsB[1]) {
printf("Error: outer matrix dimensions must be equal. (%d != %d)\n",
dimsA[2], dimsB[1]);
// printf("MatrixA(%d,%d), MatrixB(%d,%d)\n", dimsA[2], dimsA[1], dimsB[2],
// dimsB[1]);
int matrix_result = MatrixMultiply(argc, argv, block_size, dimsA, dimsB);