Using Odroid N2+ for SYCL

I would like to try SYCL on a relatively low cost embedded board. I am trying to figure out the requirements that SYCL, and in particular Computecpp, impose on a device, but I’m still a little uncertain. I have set my eyes in the Odroid n2+ (ODROID-N2+ with 4GByte RAM – ODROID), but I wonder if it supported.
I see it supports OpenCL 2.0, but is that enough? What, in general, should I look for in a board in order to assess if it satisfies Computecpp requirements?

ComputeCpp supports OpenCL drivers that can consume SPIR-V. You can take a look at the Platform Support page. The computecpp_info tool will help. Hardware Support Tool - Guides - ComputeCpp™ Community Edition - Products - Codeplay Developer