Let’s say I have an OpenCL kernel like:
__kernel void addVectors( __global const float *a, __global const float *b, __global float *c) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
c[gid] = a[gid] + b[gid];
I would like to check the generated RISC-V ISA for RefSi G1 RV64 target (which is the software implementation in oneapi-construction-kit). I found there are two tools “clc” and “oclc”, but seems they can just generate binary file, not the asm code.
Another question is, I found the RefSi G1 RV64 target only has 1 compute unit, and doesn’t support vector extension, is there a target support multiple compute units and vector extension? Or is there any compatible hardware I can buy (like FPGA board or develop kit board)?