Tensorflow - compilation error

Hi. I’d like to play with tensorflow on my Intel® HD Graphics 520, but i’m getting below error . I’m using Ubuntu 16.04 image on Windows Subsystem for Linux for Win 10, my goal is to build .whl file and install it by pip tool on Windows if this is even possible. Any suggestion is welcome, thanks in advance.

 ERROR: Skipping '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package': error loading package 'tensorflow/tools/pip_package': Encountered error while reading extension file 'sycl/build_defs.bzl': no such package '@local_config_sycl//sycl': Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 280
                _tpl(repository_ctx, "sycl:BUILD", _get_s...))
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 280, in _tpl
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 215, in _get_sycldnn_substitutions
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 101, in _find_computecpp_root
                _check_computecpp_version(repository_ctx, computecpp_path)
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 89, in _check_computecpp_version
                result.stdout.split(" ")[1]
index out of range (index is 1, but sequence has 1 elements)
WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed.
ERROR: error loading package 'tensorflow/tools/pip_package': Encountered error while reading extension file 'sycl/build_defs.bzl': no such package '@local_config_sycl//sycl': Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 280
                _tpl(repository_ctx, "sycl:BUILD", _get_s...))
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 280, in _tpl
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 215, in _get_sycldnn_substitutions
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 101, in _find_computecpp_root
                _check_computecpp_version(repository_ctx, computecpp_path)
        File "/home/kamil/tensorflow/third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl", line 89, in _check_computecpp_version
                result.stdout.split(" ")[1]


“my goal is to build .whl file and install it by pip tool on Windows”

We’ve never tried this, I have my doubts it will work.

Can you confirm the code repo you are using to do this and what instructions you are following?

I’ve managed to resolve this issue by installing OIDC thanks to these commands

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev

Then process of compilation started, but is possible that compilation may take even 10 hours ? I left my pc running over night and when i woke compilation was still in process and i had to stop it. I’m using yours guide:
[TensorFlow Generic Setup - Guides - ComputeCpp™ Community Edition - Products - Codeplay Developer]
I’m currently on this step

Build the pip package with:

bazel build --verbose_failures -c opt --config=sycl //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

Building TensorFlow take a long time and it depends on the specification of your machine. We are working on some changes that will speed things up a lot but it may hang if you run out of RAM.